€7 sākot ar par 30 min.

About this course

In the basic English course you will acquire language skills which your future foreign language learning will be based on. You sure agree that it is important for the grounds to be strong and stable.
learn Structure of the course

What are you going to acquire during the course?

- Ability to communicate on definite topics
- You will increase your vocabulary
- You will be able to communicate in English while travelling abroad
- You will acquire writing of letters and reading skills
Conversational English practice 0
Writing and Reading practice 0
Listening 0
Grammar 0


You will acquire more than 400 new words and expressions in English (on every level). This will help you to communicate on topics like – family, friends, shopping, travelling, profession etc.


You will be able to read information in English with the help of dictionary (dictionary is necessary only in the initial levels of knowledge). During the course you will write several letters on the topics covered.


During the course you will start communicating with your teacher in English. That way you will acquire the ability to keep the conversation going on about definite topics.


You will acquire the basic knowledge of English grammar and you will be able to form sentences individually and to define your opinions in English.


You will listen to audio materials and watch video materials – songs, films etc. That will help you to perceive and feel English language.

Who is this course suitable for?

- For those who start learning English from the beginnings
- For those who have learned English before but haven’t put the knowledge into practice
- For those who want to continue to improve their knowledge and achieve a higher level of English
Mirtego What you have said about us


Uzsākot mācības, es iedomāties nevarēju kā izskatīsies mācības un vai man vispār izdosies kaut kas, bet paldies pasniedzējai. Viss sanāca perfekti. Valoda nemaz neliekas grūta un nesasniedzama, ļoti gribas mācīties tālāk.

Kad bija jāizvēlas kur mācīties franču valodu, nebija divu domu, jo „MIRTEGO” kolektīvs iekaroja manu sirdi ar savu laipno uzņemšanu un palīdzību. Pirmajās divās nedēļās viss iet raiti, tiek iekaltas pamata zināšanas, pēc tam jau ir grūtāk, bet, izrādot pacietību, skolotāja panāk vēlamo, mēs sākam saprast franču valodu. Franču valoda ir sarežģīta, jo tā ir „slinka”.

Paldies, viss bija lieliski! Ļoti īsā laikā iemācījos pārsteidzoši daudz. Saņēmu praktiskas un dzīvē pielietojamas lietas gan runāšanā, gan rakstīšanā, gan lasīšanā. Pasniedzēja bija ļoti augstā līmenī valodas zināšanā un arī prasmīga pasniedzēja mācību procesā.



Franču valodas pasniedzēja
Franču un krievu valodas pasniedzēja
Franču, angļu, krievu valodas pasniedzēja


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