
About this course

You sure agree that the development and progress of the world today can offer endless possibilities of self-improvement to children already at an early age. Children get used to huge amounts of information already when being very young. It is logical that you as a parent try to show the best way how not to get confused and how to use this information for self-development.  We – parents – want to give to our children those possibilities which we ourselves did not have.

MIRTEGO online language tuition for children is an effective way of learning for children of different ages. Learners can be children aged from 6 to 9, as well as pupils in upper years.

The course is intended for

  • children without any preliminary knowledge of English and writing skills;
  • children with preliminary knowledge of English;
  • children who need help and support in acquiring English at school.

What is YOUR child going to acquire during the course?

  • Ability to communicate on definite topics
  • Your child will increase his/her vocabulary
  • Ability to use correct grammar while communicating
  • Your child will acquire letter writing and text reading skills
  • Ability to communicate in English while travelling abroad


During the lesson the child answers questions, discusses different topics with the teacher and tries to express his/her opinion. The main goal is to make the child speak more than the teacher does, in that way promoting and developing the ability to freely communicate.


Will be able to keep child’s attention and to make the child like a foreign language. If something goes wrong we will help to choose a different teacher.


The child learns the principles of sentence structure and basic tenses, as well as putting the acquired knowledge into practice when writing and speaking.


You sure agree if the child feels interested he/she will learn more. If not – it is difficult to learn and the child can even start not to like school subjects. In our lessons teachers use different kinds of games and entertaining exercises: role plays, word games, learning through songs etc.


The child’s range of vocabulary and phrases is impoved during every lesson. The lessons are made to strenghten the new vocabulary and to use it in active communication.


Online tuition also includes improvement of child’s writing skills. During our course children write short essays, as well as do exercises to strenghten the topics covered earlier. The improvement of writing skills will let the child to prepare for the school exams!

How do online English lessons take place?

One on one

Lesson with a teacher

30 & 45 & 60 minutes

Duration of one lesson

2-3 times a week

Recommended lesson intensity

From 12,32 EUR

For one lesson


Angļu un latviešu valodas pasniedzēja
Angļu, spāņu, latviešu un lietuviešu valodas pasniedzēja
Latviešu un Angļu valodas pasniedzēja
Latviešu valodas pasniedzēja


Man ļoti patīka firmas “MIRTEGO” kursi latviešu valodā. Mācoties šajos kursos es varēju paaugstināt savas zināšanas latviešu valodā. Man ļoti patīka ka skolotāja pasniedza latviešu valodu, bija ļoti interesanti.

Paldies par latviešu valodas kursiem. Man viss patika. Ļoti laba pasniedzēja. Viņa ļoti skaidri vienmēr skaidroja latviešu valodas gramatiku. It īpaši labi, ka visas nodarbības notika latviešu valodā.

Latviešu valodas kursos mēs mācījāmies gramatiku un Latvijas vēsturi un kultūru, kura mani ļoti interesē. Materiāli ir ļoti noderīgi. Katru dienu darījām daudz uzdevumu, lai tie man palīdzētu atcerēties to, ko mēs darījām iepriekšējā nodarbībā.

Milzīgs paldies valodu skolai “MIRTEGO”! Mācību laikā es daudz iemācījos. Es iemācījos pareizi veidot teikumus, saprast runu, iemācījos daudz jaunus vārdus. Ļoti pareiza mācīšana, viss pieejams viegli. Tagad man ir bāze, lai turpinātu apmācību tālāk. PALDIES!!

Paldies, man ļoti patīk jūsu kursi latviešu valodā. Es iemācījos pareizi veidot teikumus, bez kļūdām noteikt vārdu galotnes, veidot stāstījumu un stāstīt. Man ļoti patīk saskarsme starp pasniedzēju un studentu.


Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

Total numbers of students in course