
About this course

Number of students: 6-8 persons.
Lenght of the course: 56 academic hours.

These Spanish lessons take place online in ZOOM platform in a small group of students. Students in one group have equal level of Spanish knowledge.
learn Structure of the course

What are you going to acquire during the course?

The goal of the lessons is to improve all 4 Spanish skills:
– Ability to communicate on different topics
- You will increase your vocabulary
- You will be able to communicate in Spanish while travelling abroad
- You will acquire writing of letters and reading skills
Practice of everyday Spanish 0
Writing and reading practice 0
Listening 0
Grammar 0


The range of your vocabulary and phrases is improved during every lesson. The lessons are made to strenghten the new vocabulary and to use it in active communication.


Grammar section – THEORY – is not very extensive, however, it is integrated into other exercises – SPEAKING, LISTENING and READING PRACTICE, in that way your passive knowledge will be actively put into practice.


Online tuition also includes improvement of your writing skills. During our course you will write short essays, as well as do exercises to strenghten the topics covered earlier.


Lessons take place in a pleasant and friendly online atmosphere while having an appealing conversation with our qualified and experienced teacher.


We are going to discuss different topics, for instance relationships, family, food, fashion, sports, education, job and job interviews, travelling, transport, money and business etc.


You will take part in different role plays together with other students. These role plays will imitate real life situations.


You will listen to audio materials and watch video materials – songs, films etc. That will help you to perceive and feel Spanish language.

Who is this course suitable for?

- For those who start learning Spanish from the beginnings
- For those who have learned Spanish before but haven’t put the knowledge into practice
- For those who want to study together with other students
- For those who want to save money
- For those who are ready to get adjusted to a definite learning schedule
Mirtego What you have said about us


Thank you for the opportunity to learn at the language school "MIRTEGO". I liked everything, and would like to continue learning with you. I really liked the teaching method of our teacher. She explained everything I did not understand, a very nice personality. I would love to continue learning!

In principle, I was completely satisfied with everything. The teacher was wonderful! It was very good that the time of the classes were convenient for me. I am satisfied with the knowledge acquired. I definitely want to continue learning the next level. And definitely at "MIRTEGO"! Thank you!

I positively evaluate the quality of the courses, the way of teaching. The teacher was very consistent, explaining the topics thoroughly, providing additional explanation. The training materials were good. I welcome the opportunity to practice additional dialogues.

Very nice attitude, knowledgeable teacher. Following the students, their level of knowledge. Finding the right tasks, always everything is prepared on time. Knows her topic, wide worldview.

Liels paldies meitenēm, kuras laipni atbild pa telefonu, izstāstot visu sīkumos un atbild uz muļķīgiem jautājumiem laipni un pacietīgi. Liels paldies skolotājam, kas palīdzēja tikt galā ar to, kas likās pilnīgi nesaprotams. Ļoti jauki, iedrošinoši. Paldies “MIRTEGO”!

Izvēlējos “MIRTEGO”, jo patika atbilde pa telefonu. Viss bija skaidrs un pat nebija šaubu. Paldies skolotājam, ļoti pozitīvs cilvēks un bija ļoti patīkami mācīties.

Es uzskatu, ka šis kurss bija man ļoti noderīgs un rezultātā es uzlaboju savas zināšanas. Ļoti patika, ka nodarbības bija ļoti aktīvas, izmantojām gan grāmatu, gan citus materiālus, daudz runājām. Bija ļoti interesanti uzzināt daudz jauna. Pasniedzēja- ļoti jauka, laba, pozitīva. Paldies!

Nopietna attieksme kā no firmas, tā no pasniedzējas puses pret mācīšanu, pasniegšanu. Kopumā esmu apmierināta ar kursu norisi un iegūtajām zināšanām. Paldies!

Ja, kopumā par visu, tad varu teikt, ka Baigi labi! Tiešām liels prieks par šo valodu centru un pasniedzējiem. Patīkami laba atmosfēra un jauki cilvēki. Atsaucīgas, izpalīdzīgas un jaukas meitenes no vadības. Tāpat arī mūsu pasniedzēja, kura mums deva pamatu valodas izpratnē. Paldies Jums!

Ļoti labi sabalansēts kurss – ar klausīšanos, lasīšanas vingrinājumiem, gramatiku u.c. Paldies pasniedzējiem par lielisko darbu, izcilu mācīšanu un vienmēr pozitīvas atmosfēras vadīšanu nodarbībās.

Kursa ietvaros visvairāk ieguvu drosmi sarunvalodas praktizēšanā. Atsvaidzināju zināšanas gramatikā, apguvu no jauna to, ko iepriekš mācoties nebiju sapratusi. Vislabāk patika tas, ka gramatika tika mācīta caur praksi, sarunvalodu un kļūdu analīzi. Paldies, es ieguvu patiesi daudz!

Ļoti pārdomāta un labi sastādīta kursu programma. Pozitīvs iespaids par uzņēmumu, darbiniekiem un attieksmi pret klientiem. Ceru nākotnē vēl izmantot “MIRTEGO” pakalpojumus! Novēlu saglabāt esošo darba kvalitāti un turpmāko izaugsmi un attīstību!



Angļu, spāņu, latviešu un lietuviešu valodas pasniedzēja
Angļu un spāņu valodas pasniedzējs
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Spāņu valodas pasniedzēja


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    Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

    Total numbers of students in course