
About this course

Once you have mastered English at intermediate or advanced level, you really know a lot, but it is still difficult to communicate with native English speakers and to use more complex grammatical structures and informal expressions. It is important to continue to improve at this level.
learn Course structure

What will you learn in this course?

- Improve your ability to communicate on complex topics
- Expand your vocabulary even further
- You will study and learn the most complex areas of English grammar
- Practice a ‘living language’ that English speakers use on a daily basis and which is not usually taught at school
Conversational practice 0
Writing and reading practice 0
Listening 0
Grammar 0


Your English skills will develop from ``fairly good`` to ``excellent!`` You will study and learn the most complex areas of English grammar, such as mixed verb tenses, advanced sentence structures, conditions, connective words, and more. The lessons are designed to help you SEE grammar in action, truly UNDERSTAND how it works, and then USE IT!


Are you looking for an effective way to improve your listening skills? The lessons in this course use a method that gradually helps to succeed in word perception. It includes different voices, accents and speech speeds so you can practice listening to different speakers.


Learn to speak as a native English speaker! This course will help you to speak more fluently, to better understand the conversations, to learn the expressions used by local speakers. The lessons are based on dialogues, so you will be able to see exactly how each word and phrase is used in context.


In this course you will develop a wider, more complex and colorful vocabulary.


Let's make reading in English fun, not difficult! You will improve your reading skills by reading texts on various historical, scientific and cultural topics. These articles are designed to challenge, teach, and increase your confidence in your reading ability.

Who is this course for?

This English language course is designed for C1 and C2 - Upper Intermediate and Advanced levels.
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Uzsākot mācības, es iedomāties nevarēju kā izskatīsies mācības un vai man vispār izdosies kaut kas, bet paldies pasniedzējai. Viss sanāca perfekti. Valoda nemaz neliekas grūta un nesasniedzama, ļoti gribas mācīties tālāk.

Kad bija jāizvēlas kur mācīties franču valodu, nebija divu domu, jo „MIRTEGO” kolektīvs iekaroja manu sirdi ar savu laipno uzņemšanu un palīdzību. Pirmajās divās nedēļās viss iet raiti, tiek iekaltas pamata zināšanas, pēc tam jau ir grūtāk, bet, izrādot pacietību, skolotāja panāk vēlamo, mēs sākam saprast franču valodu. Franču valoda ir sarežģīta, jo tā ir „slinka”.

Paldies, viss bija lieliski! Ļoti īsā laikā iemācījos pārsteidzoši daudz. Saņēmu praktiskas un dzīvē pielietojamas lietas gan runāšanā, gan rakstīšanā, gan lasīšanā. Pasniedzēja bija ļoti augstā līmenī valodas zināšanā un arī prasmīga pasniedzēja mācību procesā.


Franču valodas pasniedzēja
Franču un krievu valodas pasniedzēja
Franču, angļu, krievu valodas pasniedzēja


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    Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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