
About this course

NATIVE SPEAKER’S mother tongue is English. Native Speaker has used English as first language in the family since childhood. Native Speaker uses his mother tongue daily in everyday life, at work and while communicating with friends. That is why native speakers often use idioms, dialects and slang when speaking in their mother tongue. That makes native speaker different from English teacher who uses the language according to the principles of grammar and sentence structure.


Native speakers can be good teachers. Here are some of the reasons

1st reason: You can practice accent and correct pronunciation

When learning English it is important to get to know pronunciation and phonetics. There is the so called colloquial language (live, modern language), which people use daily and it is usually not taught at school. One can use the colloquial language only when communicating with a native speaker, then you get the opportunity to listen and imitate the accent and learn the correct pronunciation.

2nd reason: Learning new vocabulary, phrases and definitions

When you communicate with a native speaker you improve your writing, reading and listening skills. You have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary, phrases and definitions which may be odd in your mother tongue and culture.

3rd reason: Getting to know the culture

When speaking with your teacher (native speaker) you not only get the opportunity to find out how to improve your English pronunciation and improve your language skills but you also get to know more about the culture. Experts say that the role of culture in learning a foreign language is crucial. That promotes students’ understanding of culture, expands mental outlook, improves communicative competence and secures cross-cultural dialogue.


Challenges of the course with a Native Speaker

  • Undeniably when starting a foreign language course your vocabulary is limited.  Respectively it is challenging to learn with a teacher who does not speak your native language and speaks English only, maybe even with his native accent! That is why you have to consider carefully if your present English knowledge is enough to improve it with a teacher who is a Native Speaker.
  • The most challenging thing is grammar. It is sometimes difficult for a native speaker to explain the grammar principles properly.
  • Even a teacher with good pronunciation sometimes can speak too quickly , not fully pronouncing some words or using unknown vocabulary which cannot be substituted with simpler words. It can be a huge challenge for a beginner.
  • The lessons can be too intensive. Courses in foreign language demand constant concentration: when you are confused you can easily lose attention. This kind of intensity is not for everybody. Before choosing the course you should objectively assess your foreign language skills.

The above mentioned reasons are very important for learners who want to acquire a language and communicate more freely. However, when communicating with a native speaker you can get confused or even get scared and lose opportunity to get fantastic experience.

Determine the level of your English proficiency HERE. Course with a Native Speaker is not suitable for beginners. It is more important for beginners to increase their vocabulary, to learn and use basic tenses of grammar and to speak about everyday topics.

How do online language lessons take place?

One on one

Lesson with a teacher

30 & 45 & 60 minutes

Duration of one lesson

2-3 times a week

Recommended lesson intensity

From 12,32 EUR

For one lesson


Franču valodas pasniedzēja
Franču un krievu valodas pasniedzēja
Franču, angļu, krievu valodas pasniedzēja


Uzsākot mācības, es iedomāties nevarēju kā izskatīsies mācības un vai man vispār izdosies kaut kas, bet paldies pasniedzējai. Viss sanāca perfekti. Valoda nemaz neliekas grūta un nesasniedzama, ļoti gribas mācīties tālāk.

Kad bija jāizvēlas kur mācīties franču valodu, nebija divu domu, jo „MIRTEGO” kolektīvs iekaroja manu sirdi ar savu laipno uzņemšanu un palīdzību. Pirmajās divās nedēļās viss iet raiti, tiek iekaltas pamata zināšanas, pēc tam jau ir grūtāk, bet, izrādot pacietību, skolotāja panāk vēlamo, mēs sākam saprast franču valodu. Franču valoda ir sarežģīta, jo tā ir „slinka”.

Paldies, viss bija lieliski! Ļoti īsā laikā iemācījos pārsteidzoši daudz. Saņēmu praktiskas un dzīvē pielietojamas lietas gan runāšanā, gan rakstīšanā, gan lasīšanā. Pasniedzēja bija ļoti augstā līmenī valodas zināšanā un arī prasmīga pasniedzēja mācību procesā.


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    Our course begins with the first step for generating great user experiences: understanding what people do, think, say, and feel. In this module, you’ll learn how to keep an open mind while learning.

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