- For those starting to learn a foreign language from the beginning or looking to improve and develop their existing knowledge.
Online language courses in small groups are suitable for:
- For those starting to learn a foreign language from the beginning or looking to improve and develop their existing knowledge.
- For those who have studied foreign language before but haven’t fully utilized or refined their skills.
- For those who prefer the company of other students during the learning process.
- For those who want to save money.
- For those who are ready to adapt to a set training schedule.
Calendar for Online Language Course Groups
ONLINE valodu kursi grupās – SATURS
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ONLINE valodu kursi nelielās grupās - PIESAKIES!
Aizpildi pieteikuma anketu! Mēs ar Tevi sazināsimies.SIA “SKYsCOOL” noslēgts līgums ar LIAA par inkubācijas atbalsta saņemšanu ERAF projektā Nr. “Reģionālie biznesa inkubatori un radošo industriju inkubators”.